Junior Competitions

Competitions Overview

The table below shows the different age groups and competitions on offer for junior and youth cricketers at Grafton this season.

For more information, check out our Junior Registrations page

Under 5s Mixed Year 0 & 1 - Thursday only 4-5 $100
Year 2-4 Mixed Year 1 - Saturday 5-6 $220
Year 2 - Saturday 6-7 $220
Year 3 - Saturday 7-8 $220
Year 4 - Saturday 8-9 $220
Girls Only Grades U11 Soft Ball Smash - Saturday 8-11 $95 (per 1/2 season)
U13 T20 Smash - Saturday 11-13 $190
U16 T20 Smash - Saturday 13-16 $190
Under 10 Boys / Mixed T20 Smash - Saturday 9-10 $275
Under 11 Boys / Mixed T20 Smash - Saturday 10-11 $275
Under 12 Boys / Mixed LO30 - Saturday 11-12 $275
T20 Smash - Saturday 11-12 $275
T20 Smash - Tuesday 11-12 $160
Under 13 Boys / Mixed LO30 - Saturday 12-13 $160
T20 Smash - Saturday 12-13 $160
T20 Smash - Thursday 12-13 $160
* Under 15 Boys / Mixed T20 Smash - Saturday 13-15 $275
Club Summer Series U13 - LO Sundays 11-12 $90
U15 - LO Sundays 13-14 $90
U15 - T20 Tournament 13-14 $90
U17 - T20 Tournament 15-16 $90
Associate Memberships District Cricket Associate Membership 15-19 $100

* Most secondary school children play for the schools and having enough players to form a team is sometimes difficult.

Visit our Registration page to register for the coming season. If you need assistance please check out our Quick Guide or drop us an email